The project covers 3 different countries (Bulgaria, Slovakia, Spain) featuring 3 NGOs whose expertise ranges to different topics as:
non-formal education, development and test of tools with social impact, services to vulnerable groups as migrants, refugees and rural people.
The partners co-defined tasks and main responsibilities in the project implementation at application phase. They have been distributed among the organisations in a balanced way, considering the expertise of each one and the special input to the project activities.
The interaction with the local communities is crucial to respond to citizens' concerns and situations in the EU context, thus all partners are working on the promotion of civic and democratic participation in their regions. The work with disadvantaged groups and people from rural areas was considered, as well as the special input to the project activities, so that partners could complement each other in a way to jointly achieve the set project objectives under the selected programme priorities.
More about each project partner you can learn at their websites: